Monday, September 7, 2009

Homemade Solar Cells - DIY Plans to Build Your Own Home Solar Panels

One thing you've been told that's wrong is that you have to pay thousands of dollars to install solar cells in your home to harness the sun's energy. If you haven't already heard, you can easily build homemade solar cells right in your own backyard and start enjoying huge savings in your monthly energy bills. Game enough to learn? Read on then!

Just a couple of years ago, installing a solar cell system can make your poorer by a few thousand bucks at the onset. That's how much it would cost to engage a local contractor to hook up your home to use solar power. But the fact is, the technology behind the solar panel system is not exactly rocket science.


Many folks I know, even my neighbors, have followed specially-designed plans to build their own solar panel systems on the cheap. How cheap? Well, if you've 200 bucks to spare, you can start reaping the benefits of using the sun's energy. That's just a fraction of what it would cost if you choose to get it professionally installed.

Many do-it-yourself plans and guides are now available to the man in the street looking to slash his hefty electricity bills. But beware of free plans that claim to help you do so...many of these are plain difficult to follow and are often missing crucial details. The old adage "you get what you pay for" still rings true.

For a little less than 50 bucks, you can get a good instructional guide that provides you with instructions to build your own solar cells at home. The really good ones come with step-by-step video instructions that make the entire process easy for you.

You can get most of what you need from your local hardware store....stuff like plywood, copper wire, glass sheets. Chances are, you may even have them in your home or garage. For photovoltaic cells, you can get them rather cheaply over the internet or your local suppliers.

The best thing about building your own homemade solar cells is that you can start small...make enough energy to power up simple appliances such as your TV, computer, small lighting. You can later add on and build more panels that can even power your ENTIRE home. That's going completely off-grid for you!

And if you generate surplus energy, your power company will even buy that from you each month! That's extra money in your pocket that you could spend on more important things in your life!

Take a little time to choose a plan that suits your household needs, budget and your level of knowledge. Learning to build your own homemade solar cells will go a long way to reduce your hefty energy bills and go green at the same time!

Want to build your own homemade solar cells but don't know where to start?

Fret not! Many people just like you have successfully built these on their own to DRASTICALLY cut their monthly electricity consumption. They are already shaving $1000s off their energy bills every year. If you need STEP-BY-STEP guidance in installing one, I have reviewed the Best Online Guides on Homemade Solar Cells for your convenience. These highly recommended guides provide EASY-TO-FOLLOW instructions that will help you save money in no time.

Dave Keller is an Renewable Energy Specialist who takes pride in helping the average consumer save on their energy bills using simple DIY devices... and give power companies a run for their money! For a candid review of the best-selling guides, go to his website at now.

1 comment:

  1. You may be eligible for a new government solar rebate program.
    Find out if you are qualified now!
